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Fungus Large 3

  • This eye-catching set of holds from the mind of Jason Kehl will stand out on any wall. Large Jugs surrounded by sunken pockets creating comfy pinches with pocketed thumb catches. These holds are great on steeper overhanging walls, creating comfy pinches with pocketed thumb catches. These holds are great on slightly overhanging walls.
    • Hold Count: 5
    • Size: Large
    • Style: Jugs
    • Difficulty: Easy, Moderate
    • Shaper: Jason Kehl
    • Weight: 8.90 lbs

  • View Full Size Hold Color Options

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Large fun gus

I ordered these as an overstocked item so glad. They are very positive. I have put them up temporarily till I set them in a route can not get enough of these holds. They are very grippable

great shapes - great textures

These have quickly become favorite holds on our home wall. The shapes are eye catching and easy on the hand. Texture is excellent and I love being able to choose the color!

Nice jugs

I have these on my home wall 27° overhang and work great for working on power endurance. The walls a bit steep for doing a long session so I ordered more from the fungus family. Stay tuned for more reviews 😉

Sean Whalen

As a beginning climber, these are great holds for my 45' wall! Nice jugs with a nice variety of foot usage. Makes some pretty nice underclings as well!


Fungus jugs are not only eye-catching, they’re also incredibly comfortable! These wild looking holds have perfectly rounded edges that are super easy to hold onto & the sunken pockets are like a thumb’s best friend. Their comfort & size are a nice reprieve from some of the smaller edges, especially on an overhanging wall. These holds look sick & are super fun to climb!!!

So iLL diagram showing the jugs style of climbing holds a so ill diagram indicating the fungus of incut for a hold set.  This set is 5 out of 5 so ill climbing hold diagram indicating the best angles to use climbing holds on.  This set is best at slab, vert, 15°, 30°, 45°, and roof
So iLL diagram showing the jugs style of climbing holds a so ill diagram indicating the fungus of incut for a hold set.  This set is 5 out of 5 so ill climbing hold diagram indicating the best angles to use climbing holds on.  This set is best at slab, vert, 15°, 30°, 45°, and roof


  • john oungst route sets with the so ill fungus family holds inside of a warehouse
  • a stylized shot from above of the so ill fungus family climbing holds
  • A climber climbs on the so ill fungus family holds after setting the wall
  • the so ill fungus family climbing holds are being climbed on by John Oungst
  • john oungst route sets with the so ill fungus family holds inside of a warehouse
  • a stylized shot from above of the so ill fungus family climbing holds
  • A climber climbs on the so ill fungus family holds after setting the wall
  • the so ill fungus family climbing holds are being climbed on by John Oungst

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